Only PPC doesn’t suffice – You need to strengthen your digital marketing plan

w trends are evolving as the technology space is growing by leaps and bounds. As more platforms are emerging, the corporate world is implementing innovative ways to drive the company to higher levels of success.

Though the foundation of any business is usually dependent on numbers, lately there is a war waging between the alphabets. With PPC, SEO, SEM, SMM, CTR, KPI, CPC, and much more all linking to your ROI, how can you decide which one is more important?

What are they all essential for digital marketing?

As a child, I loved playing games. But most of all, I loved winning. And my dad always said, if you want to win, you have to know the rules.

In essence, running a business is a lot like playing a game. You’ve got to beat your opponents and earn cash rewards as you clear various levels. The winner is the one who accomplishes the company’s goals most economically in the shortest time possible.

With digital marketing, winning is more ‘fun.’ With the right analytical tools, you can get the metrics not only about your business but also those of your competitors.

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing and engagement activities done through online media channels. It’s about getting found and noticed while grabbing as many leads in the process.

With e-commerce on the rise, marketing and advertising are transferring onto digital platforms. Whether you are in charge of an online leather store or an online bakeshop, you need to identify an appropriate campaign that works best for your brand.

The question for today is, “Can only one technique suffice to get your brand ahead of the competition?”

Unfortunately, according to Smart Insights, 50% of businesses don’t have an integrated Digital Marketing Strategy, and it’s challenging to know where to start.

So is PPC enough?

Quicksprout reports that 80% of companies focus on Google for PPC (Google AdWords). But Bing Ads and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are now offering paid advertising.

PPC relies on a model of internet marketing where advertisers pay a fee for every ad that is clicked. In other words, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than acquiring them organically.

Why do businesses opt for PPC?

Since PPCs are strategically targeted towards a relevant audience, they drive positive results substantially faster than the other options.

Statistics by show that Pay Per Clicks (PPCs) have produced an 80% increase in brand awareness. So it is an excellent way of improving online visibility quickly.

And WordLead claims that PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors. When conversion rates are higher, it signals that PPC is influential in boosting website traffic.

So if everything is so rosy, why are companies using alternate methods?

While it’s clear that PPC is a powerful tool in digital marketing, it would be unfair to say that it’s enough. One of the greatest drawbacks is that every click through PPC comes with a price tag. If you are paying to drive traffic, you are inevitably diminishing ROI.

More importantly, you need to keep a close watch on the performance of your campaign and eliminate non-performing ones. Otherwise, you may find yourself burdened with loses.

But what about SEO?

PPC can bring you faster results, especially if you have a high-converting product. But once you stop paying for clicks, the traffic stops. So if you are on a limited budget, you will need to test which keywords convert better and try SEO.

According to, Google is responsible for 96% of all smartphone search traffic, and 94% of total organic traffic. SEO does bring results, but it just takes a little time for the effects of getting into full swing. Even though you are not paying for any ads, the cost of SEO is indirect. You may, however, have to pay for services if you cannot do it yourself.

It’s essential to provide exceptional content to rank well on SERPs. The objective is to make it to the first page. 95% of people never make it past the first page.

There is a list of factors that will influence your rankings. Some of them are:

  • A secure and accessible site
  • Mobile optimization
  • Optimal loading time including mobile page speed
  • Relevant content
  • Links

What are the alternatives?

You must tap into other forms of marketing, such as email and social media marketing.
Email marketing is quite effective, with an average open rate of 82% for a welcome email (GetResponse). It’s one cost-effective form of marketing that helps businesses grow exponentially. A sprinkling of personalization, you can get a 50% increase in open rates, claims Yes Lifecycle Marketing.

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